Famous Love Quotes from Princess Bride (Dialogue from Book & Movie)

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The Princess Bride is a novel that was written by William Goldsman, and published in 1973. It is one of the classics of Literature and is read widely by critics and scholars. Bestseller of its time, it was adapted into a movie in 1987 by the same name. The movie also received a positive response from the movie critics, and its legacy has continued until today when Ari Folman made a live action/animation movie based on Princess Bride. The novel and its adaptations provide a wholesome experience. It takes you on an adventure, drives you into the world of fantasy, showers you with romance, and lightens up your mood with comedy. Following are some of the famous love quotes from Princess Bride.

1)  “I know this must come as something of a surprise to you, since all I’ve ever done is scorn you and degrade you and taunt you, but I have loved you for several hours now, and every second more.”

Princess Bride Quotes by William Goldman 

princess bride movie quotes

Buttercup confesses her love to Westley and then asks for forgiveness for jeering him. She expects him to become startled at her revelation, but she continues to tell him that her love is amplifying with every second.

2)  “I love you so much more now than twenty minutes ago that there cannot be any comparison. I love you so much more now than when you opened your hovel door, there cannot be any comparison.”

Buttercup tries to convince Westley that her love for him is growing with every passing moment and is infinite.

True Love Quotes from Princess Bride

true love quotes from princess bride

3)  “You were already more beautiful than anything I dared to dream. In our years apart, my imaginings did their best to improve on you perfection. At night, your face was forever behind my eyes. And now I see that that vision who kept me company in my loneliness was a hag compared to the beauty now before me.”

Princess Bride Movie Quotes and Famous Dialogues 

princess bride love quotes from book

Westley and Buttercup are happy to see each other. Westley holds Buttercup’s face in his hands and with tears in his eyes, tells her how much he admires her.

4)  “Do you want me to follow you for the rest of your days? I will do that. Do you want me to crawl? I will crawl. I will be quiet for you or sing for you, or if you are hungry, let me bring you food, or if you have thirst and nothing will quench it but Arabian wine, I will go to Arabia even though it is across the world and bring a bottle back for your lunch”.

Sayings from princess Bride Book with Pictures

Famous love quotes from princess bride

Buttercup justifies her love for Westley by telling him that she will comply to do anything that he will ask her to do, no matter how tough the task is. And even though the task would seem unachievable, she would accomplish it by hook or by crook.

5)  “I love Westley. I always have. It seems I always will.”

A long Romantic Quotation by Book/film The Princess Bride

love quotes from princess bride

Buttercup confesses to Humperdinck that she loves Westley. She expects Humperdinck to understand her feelings and sacrifice his love for her to let her and Buttercup be together. However, Humperdinck decides to make a vicious scheme to slay both lovers.

Nancy Ericson

Author of the blog inspired by Romeo and Juliet (love tragedy written by William Shakespeare). She shares quotes, poems, and wishes that matter. You can use these quotations to read yourself or to dedicate them to your partners.