Famous Quotes about Love by Legends

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We all read quotes by popular legendary peoples because they achieve something bigger in their life and they give advice in their quotes about love. It’s time to see some famous Quotes about Love by these Legends figures. Love is in the nature of humans so the legends have also experienced it in their lives and said quotes about love. They refer their love with their work and then on the basis of their point of view they write some quotes. Some famous people also write poems about love like William Shakespeare, Albert Einstein, Mother Teresa, Mark, Max, and many more. Let’s read some of them which are very famous and would be till the world ends.

Love Quotes by Albert Einstein:

He is a physician and philosopher, he said quotes about love which are very popular. Read some below:

Quote about love from albert einstin

Famous Quotes and Words about Love by Mark Twain:

Mark is a legend, he is also said many popular quotations about life. You can read Mark Twain’s quotes about life here.

quotes about love by legend Mark Twain

Love Quotes by another legend Max Muller:

Quote about love by Max muller

Words for Love by Mother Teresa:

quotes about love from Mother teresa

Famous Poem & Quotes about Love by William Shakespeare:

love poems by william

Something about Love by legendary Martin Luther King, Jr:

quotes about love from legendary peoples

These were some quotes by popular personalities about love and life. You definitely enjoyed all these sayings. These all are very famous. We write quotes on beautiful images that make them eye-catching and unique. You can share these on Facebook, twitter, and Pinterest with your friends and love partner.

Read some more Quotes about Love by Great Authors:

Before Leave, Have a look at some love quotes by great authors:

  1. If it is right, it happens—the main thing is not to hurry. Nothing good gets away. By: John Steinbeck

  2. Love is like the wind, you can’t see it but you can feel it. By:Nicholas Sparks

  3. Love is the answer to everything. It’s the only reason to do anything. If you don’t write stories you love, you’ll never make it. If you don’t write stories that other people love, you’ll never make it. By: Ray Bradbury

True reality of Love according to Welles Quote:

best quote about love from author Orson Welles

Explore Short Love Quotes for her to express your excitements and love feelings to her and realize how special she is in your life. Thank You for being a part of this blog. Stay tuned for more quotations.

Nancy Ericson

Author of the blog inspired by Romeo and Juliet (love tragedy written by William Shakespeare). She shares quotes, poems, and wishes that matter. You can use these quotations to read yourself or to dedicate them to your partners.